Condition Surveys & Reports
To understand each client’s specific requirements, we carry out site surveys to assess the condition and safety of their door system. It’s essential that industrial doors meet the terms set out in current legislation, and all of our engineers possess a keen understanding of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Undertaking site surveys and reports allows our engineers to establish the condition of your doors and whether any remedial work is required.
It’s crucial that we have a thorough understanding of the environment that your door will be living in. With these condition surveys and reports in place, we have a clear understanding of the best way forward for your product.
Having these findings documented also helps other parties to collaborate on projects where relevant. Documentation helps to keep all teams on the same page, clearly working towards the same goals with the same information.
Surveys allow us to:
– Test multiple key factors
– Make recommendations for ongoing maintenance where relevant
– Advise on remedial works
– Document findings for partners and collaborators
– Sign off on installations
If you need more information on the condition of your current doors – so that you can make informed decisions on next steps – or if you require official documentation, then our surveys and reports are well suited to your needs.
You will work with the qualified team member with relevant experience and skills to appropriately audit your door and its environment. Our team will help you to identify what’s needed.

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